четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

food handling and hygiene

I woke with a start this morning. A distant friend had died of cancer. In my sleepy haze I made my way to my computer to check Facebook for any late breaking updates. Did I miss something somewhere?

As I checked my friend's status, I found her very much alive with no postings of a cancer diagnosis: past or present.

I am discovering cancer creeps not only as a physical invader of one's body but also of one's soul. My twilight haunting in morning's light testifies to this reality. I try to keep my guard up but no matter what there always is a gap which provides another way of entrance.

As the chemo continues to plummet my body for hidden fortresses of micro cancer, it seems another medicine is needed to route out the other invaders of my soul. Another guard needs to be at my door.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me..."

My Protector is close. His rod and staff are my guide. He will fend off my enemy.

food handling and hygiene, food handling card, food handling certificate.

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