понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Heard some new PAIN..it kicks so much ASS Itapos;s heavier GRRR..and such. I love it...I still think Psalms kicks ass too. Itapos;s so diverse.

Work is making me lose weight at a scarily rapid rate. I am on my feet for about 7 hrs. A day ...and moving around constantly..that is why. And I donapos;t eat so much anymore. My legs ache. I long for a metal concert.

Ahh this PAIN song is good.


Feed us...feed me PAIN Errrr...

My dog is recovering every day. I am shocked.

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I keep mementos of the past. Mere words depicted in pictures. Mounted up on the walls of my Hall of Shame. Each night I wonder through, looking and believing. Reliving each stroke of a touch. Mine eyes bleeding the customary droplets of vengeful self-loathing and self-loving. Row upon row of distilled time layer mine thine rhyme. Personification, Disintegration, Assimilation. Obliteration. The markings of my heart are a wonder of pondering dreams. The walls are as strong as the weakest emotional link to glue my memoirs onto my Shame. The pictures of which I keep are both my salvation and my damnation. So, peace be with thee and thee rest in piece.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Today seemed like it stretched on forever.

Woke up at Mike Linkapos;s house, got out of there around 11am.� Big thanks to whoever was nice enough to throw a blanket on me. �:D

Went to work at 2, longest/best day of work ever.
-Helped take apart bumper boats for the season, what a job that was, but it felt very rewarding and I know management will be happy with us.
-Go kart #6 has a broken governor, which = unrestricted speeds of 30+ mph
-Used said kart to set a new track record of 30.01 seconds for one lap, could not get anywhere near that in four more attempts.� bad ass.
-Two girls who work inside came out wanting to ride the karts a bit after my fellow coworker and I had already shut them all down.� We started three back up and fooled around for ten minutes or so.� Really fun.
-Got off, played DDR for the first time in five weeks.� Felt SOOO�FUCKING�GOOD, but itapos;s obvious my back still needs to heal more, wonapos;t be doing that again for a while.
-Took home a bunch of leftover pizza.

Boston lost, sorry Tessa and Tony.�� :apos;(

My logic homework took fucking forever, I donapos;t know why Iapos;m still awake.

Iapos;m really worried about a lot of peoplesapos; feelings lately, itapos;s just the way I am, I�hope everyoneapos;s doing well.

Mall tomorrow hopefully with Jess, but if things donapos;t work out itapos;s no biggie, I kinda feel like Iapos;m pushing her to go with me. :/

I think Iapos;m getting a cold.

Steven Beverly is my boy.

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Surprise birthday for Sarah phua
It was great getting together after 2 years? Time flew. So much laughter and crankiness from the guys as usual.
Pandan cake and the delicious choco crunchy cake for sarah.

But i think Shu and I were drooling over Zac Efron during the dinner. We bought the HSM3 set meal and got the pretty file with Zac Efron and membersapos; pictures over it. Great moments with all of them. =D

qing, shu and I went Indochine for drinks after that. Chilling was great.

I was so well-fed over the weekends. Baby and I had lunch-dinner at Changing Appetite, 20 pieces nuggets for supper on Sat, Pizza Hut on Sun Ahhh, i still want more pizzas. Anyway, the food at Changing Appetite was so good In addition, they have 20 off food and drinks and 50 off waffles Sam had Fish and Chips with Cheese and i had Waffles ice-cream, my all time fav food. In total, together with a drink, it cost us only $24 and we were so so full.
We watched Max Payne and�seriously i went into the theatre not knowing a single info what show was about. Sam�bought�the tickets and�the only thing he told me was it�is a very artistic movie. It turned out really special and artistic, yes; somewhere along the line of Matrix Reloaded. Esplanade roof top was a nice chilling place which i like.

I had my lovely weekends and now its back to cruel reality. Rawr.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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haha yesterday went petuniaapos;s house, and watched walle and of cuz.... Hahahaha. Stayed at her house till 7.40. Hehe. On wednesday i oso went to her hse. Hahaha. Its like my second home alr (: i love persisca la. Shes sooo cute lorrr. Hahaha. I spent ard 5 hours at her house, watching huanzhu gege, hahahha. It was freaking nice alright, freaking funny too. Hahahhahaha. We enjoyed our day (: hehehe. Ahhh, i love petunia buk (: hehehhehe.
den, ytd wasnt feeling very happy de lorrrr. In the morning was feeling damn sians, den jiawei keep on like, getting damn high, sadly lor, im nt in the mood. Hehe. Ytdapos;s lesson ended at 2.40 leh. Haaha. So happy. Den went mac with the normal ppl, jiawei jiaqi jiayun peggy feli amanda. Anddddd, they watched the super gross movie over there. Luckily i couldnt see anything cus thereapos;s lots reflections. Heheheheh. After went bac to school again, to wait for petunia lor. Haha. Den saw qinaide and sister and erm jessica and others playing bball (: joined them for awhile. Hehe. Realised tt omg, haha, my ball sense hor, drop liao. Haiys. Must play more often. Haha.
olevels is coming (: wish my dearest darlinest prettiest cutest sweetest janice
all the best (: and lanyuan oso. Haha. Jiayou jiayou. Heheheh.

i go prepare my powerpt slides le, bye (:

i still hate you. I hate ______ laaaaa. Zzz

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Prepare yourself for a shock.

Are you sitting down? (Of course you are; you#39;re at the computer, aren#39;t you?)

The news is: I haven#39;t been feeling particularly creative lately.

It#39;s this, that and the other thing. Maybe my brain is seizing up.
Screeech Summer now seems to have fled the scene for good, and I#39;m
Working on articles for our annual winter issue. I can#39;t begin to tell
You how happy that makes me. Wonderful. Six months of winter, on deck.

Well, like most stuff in life, it is what you make of it. Right at
The moment, I#39;m a bit down at the prospect of winter coming. But after
Winter there#39;s spring, and then summer. Spring is only six or seven
Months away, depending on whether it#39;s a late spring or not.


There is big news at our house. We have added another cat. May I introduce you to Max (his shelter name) ...

Max--that name may be changed--was acquired from the local animal
Shelter. He is a male cat who was already neutered. He is about 3 1/2
Years old, bright orange, as you can see, and comparatively thin. He is
Friendly and likes to be petted. Purr, purr, purr.

My naive hope was that Charlie was looking for a friend, someone
She can play with, since Maggie still hisses at Charlie when she goes
By. Such has not been the case. We brought Max home yesterday, in the
Late afternoon. Once Charlie realized that the pet taxi came home with
An occupant, she started hissing. And growling. Charlie knows cat words
That I have never heard before. One sounds like "Oyyyyy,
Yoy-yoy-yoy-yoy-yoyyyyy" (Normally, Charlie "talks" a lot as she goes
Around the house; some cats do, and others don#39;t.)

One time yesterday, she put her ears down (first time I ever saw
Her do that) and hissed and then chased Max upstairs. They both went
Under our bed. I followed them and heard them hissing at each other.
That#39;s all that happened. For the most part, they have stayed apart
Today. But my wife said they started having a conversation just before
Noon. She knew what to do: She turned on the vacuum cleaner. That ended
The discussion immediately: One cat went one way, and the other went

Another issue must be resolved: Max has not been declawed. We are
Hoping we won#39;t have to do this. This evening, we tried to trim her
Claws with a fingernail clipper--something we hadn#39;t done since we had
Princess (that cat that preceded Frisky, who is the cat that preceded
Charlie). Max must have been declawed before, but he didn#39;t want to
Cooperate with us, so we let him go. He is not scratching furniture;
Just the carpets, and most of our carpets at home aren#39;t much to speak
Of. He does that when he#39;s happy, sort of kneading his paws on the
Floor. When we had lunch together today, Max went around and around the
Table, brushing against our legs and getting petted.

I want to tell you a little about Max#39;s history, too. Charlie came
To the shelter as a kitten. Max arrived there around New Year#39;s--he had
Been at the shelter for 10 months until this week. The story is that he
Was found as a stray, and they discovered he had an abcess in his
Mouth, which was causing him pain. The vet took care of that. According
To the shelter#39;s bio, "Max wants a nice indoors home. He doesn#39;t want
To be outside any more." At one point, they told us, he got depressed
And stopped eating. He is still thin. Much lighter than Charlie, who
Had gotten rather rotund in her time with us.

I just hope that he and Charlie will be able to get along better. I
Feel pretty bad about the way things have turned out. If I had known
Charlie would be this way about it ...


Tonight, I#39;m upstairs, writing, with the Red Wings game on the
Little TV to my left. I#39;m up here by myself. If this were a perfect
World, I would have at least a cat here to keep me company. But this is
Not a perfect world, is it?

Usually stuff like that doesn#39;t bother me that much. Tonight it is.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

food handling and hygiene

I woke with a start this morning. A distant friend had died of cancer. In my sleepy haze I made my way to my computer to check Facebook for any late breaking updates. Did I miss something somewhere?

As I checked my friend's status, I found her very much alive with no postings of a cancer diagnosis: past or present.

I am discovering cancer creeps not only as a physical invader of one's body but also of one's soul. My twilight haunting in morning's light testifies to this reality. I try to keep my guard up but no matter what there always is a gap which provides another way of entrance.

As the chemo continues to plummet my body for hidden fortresses of micro cancer, it seems another medicine is needed to route out the other invaders of my soul. Another guard needs to be at my door.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me..."

My Protector is close. His rod and staff are my guide. He will fend off my enemy.

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